This is for the last of the weekly drawings and will be held on Jan 4, 2009. I should be back home by then and hopefully a little more on schedule than the last two or three weeks.
Because of the prize choices of the previous winners, I have one of the Scissor Case and Fob Kits and one of the Pattern Maker CDs left so I will offer them once again. So if you really wanted to win one of these prizes, you have one last chance! Once again the winner of next Sunday's drawing will have their choice between:
Beaded Ribbon Scissor Case Necklace and Pincushion Scissor Fob Kit
The kit contains: Jacquard Ribbon, Fusible Fleece, Fusible Lining, Seed Beads, 2 large Decorative Beads, Rattail cord, Nymo Thread, Beading Needle and 2 pins.
the Pattern Maker for Cross Stitch Starter Level CD which includes 150+ motifs and alphabet from Kooler Design Studio.
Leave a comment on this post to be entered to win the Scissor Case & Fob Kit or the Design Software CD - the winner will get to choose which prize they prefer. I'll announce the winner next Sunday evening (January 4, 2009) so be sure to check back to see if your name was drawn. The winner will need to contact me with their mailing address and their choice of prize so I can send it on its way. Thanks again for stopping by!