Thursday, January 31, 2008


January, January, where did you go??? I can't believe it is the last day of the month already! I have spent way too much time shopping (stash enhancing), blog reading (not blog writing), ebaying (buying only - though not winning as many as bid on), planning new projects..... Hmm, I must concentrate on finishing the things I start instead of constantly taking on a new challenge that soon falls by the wayside.... Actually, I'm quite good at starting things - I love that part - it's the following through that leaves something to be desired. I think I will try harder to make February more productive by christening it as Finishing February!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Pay it Forward Round

I'm told that if you put goals in writing you are much more likely to accomplish them. I hope that is true because I'm more of an impulse person, doing things on a whim rather than in an organized manner. I'm hoping to get more done this year so I have signed up for three SALs, one exchange group and now a Pay It Forward Round from Carol's blog. I am new to this, but as I understand it, this is how it works: The first five of you that leave a comment here on this post requesting to participate will receive a handmade item from me. I will send it to you sometime this year. In return, you will have to post in your blog that you are taking five names and you will send a handmade item to each of them in return. I think it will be fun and will help keep me focused on completing projects throughout the year.

I should have some new charts up in a day or two. Between the devastating ice storm here in Oklahoma (my home phone is till not working!) followed by my son's winter break from school (which always means a trip to visit my parents out of state) things have been off schedule for several weeks. We go back to work and school starting Monday so things should settle back out and I will get back to posting charts a little more often.