Still no Internet at home so another quick post from work. I have no idea how long it will take to get my phone, cable and Internet back but I know it takes a backseat to restoring electricity to 600,000 homes and businesses statewide, not to mention digging out from under all the broken tree limbs and whole trees that are down. It really does look like a war zone right now but they are working on it. Now they are predicting snow for the weekend (only 3 or 4 inches, so they say) but at least that's better than all the ice and freezing rain.
Thanks a lot for these charts. I'll try de make my own set with this nice stork.
Lovely charts!!
I'm currently stitching them. They will be a lovely set!!!
Aury, I can hardly wait to see your set - please send pics when you finish!!
Many thanks for all these lovely charts. How nice ! And wish you all my best to face the problems you meet with the cold.
Cath from France
This is a stunning set... i have saved off all four parts so I can make them for myself and stitchy friend.
Well done on all your hard work and thaks for such great designs!
Glasgow UK.
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