Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cross Stitch, Coffee & Cats

I've charted the cat, cup and needle in case you can't find buttons or charms for them.


Tanya Marie said...

You've been busy! I love the coffee and cat :)


Iris said...

This looks great !!!
Thank you !!

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much ! Among my absolute favorites: coffee, cross stitch & cats. Am enjoying all your designs very much.

Anonymous said...

Cute, although I sometimes feel like the only stitcher who would rather admire cats from afar i.e. other people's cats! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for all of your free designs. They're great!!


Lelia said...

goodness, so cute!!! Luv it.

Anonymous said...

trés sympa tes grilles

Alison said...

Very cute, thanks for posting it!!

Alison said...

Very cute, thank you for sharing it!!

Dani - tkdchick said...

chnage that coffee to chocolate you've hit all my favourite things on the head!

Stitchhappy said...

Funny you should mention that, I thought of chocolate also after the chart was done - I may have to make another version!

Romy said...

this is perfect for a gift to a friend of mine :-)))

Mamigà said...

Ciao. Ho preso questo schema e l'ho adoperato per creare una tovaglietta assieme ad altri due disegni, ne è venuto qualcosa di bellissimo... e ci tenevo a ringraziarti per averlo reso disponibile.
Se ti va di vedere cosa ne ho fatto ho pubblicato la foto sul mio blog:
Grazie mille. Mamigà

Isadora said...

Your patterns are adorable! I especially liked this one, as cats, stitches and coffee are definitely among my favorite things in life!
Thanks a bunch for all those lovely freebies!

Astrids dragon said...

I just recently stitched this one, I love it! Thanks so much for sharing it.