©2007 xstitchhappy.blogspot.com
I had fun with this chart - using a variety of fibers and stitched on linen burlap over two. I used turkey work for the "straw" hair, hands and feet and the little tufts of "straw' sticking out through his clothing. One of these days he'll be a "real" stand-up guy!
Just found your site via Deb. Love your patterns, this one in particular. I can't wait to look around a little more.
Welcome back! Your scarecrow is really pretty.
This piece is so cute. Did you design it?
Thanks, everyone! Yes, Barb, I did design it - I enjoy designing as much as stitching. I'm glad that others like my designs - I plan to keep it up as much as I can. Thanks, again!
I love pumpkins! I have a passion for them. They are one of the nicest, most cost-saving decorations as it starts pre-Halloween, Thanksgiving and even through some of December (isn't there always a pumpkin pie for dessert on Christmas!!!)
Just found your site through a Yahoo Cross Stitching Circle of Friends group member. I think I will visit often and thank you for the dragonfly and pumpkin patterns. God Bless.
Hello! Thank you for this pattern - I used it to stitch a gift for my sister!
This is a photo of my work http://s46.radikal.ru/i113/1010/3b/5764b448d92f.jpg
What a good idea to stitch a scarecrow for Sprinh!!hihi.I'm joking of course .Happy Easter.Béa
That is so cute! The fabric is perfect! Thanls for sharing!
Melissa J.
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