Friday, June 5, 2015

Lisa of Sleeping Double in a Singlewide is hosting a giveaway contest on her blog. The prize is a lovely scissor frog - for a chance to win, just visit her blog and follow the instructions on her post of June 2, entitled A Giveaway! Hop To It! Her goal is to add to her reader base so stop in, enter her contest and check out her stitching pics!

This has got me to thinking how long it has been since I have done one myself. Time to put on my thinking cap and figure out a nice prize to get excited about. Any suggestions?

In the Loop

No stitchy picture today but I thought I would post a new one of the Cat in Charge. He is still supervising all activities in his domain and always wants to be "in the loop." Here he is in the middle of the aquarium cleaning operation a couple of months ago.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Yearly Housekeeping

Yes, it is time once again to do my yearly blog maintenance. I have added some new links, edited some old ones and deleted a few that no longer went anywhere we would want to go anyway. I'll be adding some new links as I come across ones of interest. I've been looking about at stitching blogs both new and old - I really miss old ones that are no longer being updated or that are completely gone. It makes me realize that I must make more time to post to my own. I know many have moved on to Facebook and other social media but it just isn't the same and I have pretty much lost interest in Facebook altogether. So, I'm moving backwards, back to blogging. I'm going to try to be better about commenting on the blogs I visit, so they will know someone still cares and wants them to continue updating them. I hope that others will join me on this journey....